D Flip-Flop

  1. Introduction

    The output of a D Flip-Flop tracks the input, making transitions which match those of the input. The D in D Flip-Flop stands for Data i.e. this Flip-Flop stores the value on the data line. It can be thought of as a basic memory cell. A D Flip-Flop can be made from a Set/Reset Flip-Flop by tying the set line to the reset line through an inverter. The output of the Flip-Flop may be clocked. If the output is clocked then the D Flip-Flop is synchronous D Flip-Flop. Synchronous D Flip-Flop, thus, has output which is synchronized with the either the rising edge or the falling edge of the input clock pulse. The block diagram of synchronous D Flip-Flop is shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Block diagram of synchronous D Flip-Flop

  2. Truth Table

    Figure 2 shows the truth table of synchronous D Flip-Flop which is clocked to the rising edge of input clock. The inputs to the D Flip-Flop are data-bit D, and control lines reset and clock. There are two outputs Q and Q'.

    Figure 2. Truth table of synchronous D Flip-Flop

  3. Verilog Module

    Figure 3 shows the Verilog module of D Flip-Flop. The input to the module is a 1-bit input data line D. The control lines to the module include a 1-bit clock line Clk which is supplied by the 50 MHz on-board clock generator and a 1-bit active high reset. The output lines are Q and Qbar (complement of output line Q). The output line Q takes the same value as that in the input line D on the rising edge of the clock line Clk when the reset line is at low.

    Figure 3. Verilog module of synchronous D Flip-Flop

  4. Verilog Code for synchronous D Flop-Flop (DFF.v)

    1. module DFF( Q,
    2. Qbar,
    3. D,
    4. Clk,
    5. Reset
    6. );
    7. output reg Q;
    8. output Qbar;
    9. input D,
    10. Clk,
    11. Reset;
    12. assign Qbar = ~Q;
    13. always @(posedge Clk)
    14. begin
    15. if (Reset == 1'b1) //If not at reset
    16. Q = 1'b0;
    17. else
    18. Q = D;
    19. end
    20. endmodule
    Figure 4. Verilog code for synchronous D Flip-Flop

  5. Verilog Test Bench for synchronous D Flop-Flop (DFF_tb.v)

    1. `timescale 1ns / 1ps
    2. module DFF_tb;
    3. // Inputs
    4. reg D;
    5. reg Clk;
    6. reg Reset;
    7. // Outputs
    8. wire Q;
    9. wire Qbar;
    10. // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
    11. DFF uut (
    12. .Q(Q),
    13. .Qbar(Qbar),
    14. .D(D),
    15. .Clk(Clk),
    16. .Reset(Reset)
    17. );
    18. initial begin
    19. // Initialize Inputs
    20. D = 1'b0;
    21. Clk = 1'b0;
    22. Reset = 1'b1;
    23. // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
    24. #100;
    25. // Add stimulus here
    26. Reset = 1'b0;
    27. #20;
    28. forever #40 D = ~ D;
    29. end
    30. always #10 Clk = ~Clk;
    31. endmodule
    Figure 5. Verilog Test bench for synchronous D Flip-Flop.

  6. Timing Diagram

    Figure 6. Timing diagram of synchronous D Flip-Flop