A barrel shifter is a digital circuit that can shift a data word by a specified number of bits in one clock cycle. It can be implemented as a sequence of multiplexers and in such an implementation the output of one mux is connected to the input of the next mux in a way that depends on the shift distance. The block diagram of a logical left shifting barrel shifter is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Logical Left Shift Barrel Shifter -
Verilog Module
The Verilog module of logical left shift barrel shifter is shown in Figure 2. It has one 8-bit input port, Ip, and 3-bit port shift_mag for left shift magnitude. The module presents 8-bit shifted value from output port Op.
Figure 2. Verilog module of Logical Left Shift Barrel Shifter
Verilog Code for the 8-bit Logical Left Shift Barrel Shifter (barrelShifter.v)
- module barrelShifter( Ip,
- Op,
- shift_mag
- );
- input [7:0] Ip; //The 8-bit Input line
- output [7:0] Op; //The 8-bit Output line
- input [2:0] shift_mag; //The 3-bit shift magnitude selection Input
- wire [7:0] ST1,ST2; //Two 8-bit intermediate lines
- //the barrel shifter implemented as array of MUX shown in the figure
- mux_2to1 m0 (1'b0, Ip[0], ST1[0], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m1 (Ip[0], Ip[1], ST1[1], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m2 (Ip[1], Ip[2], ST1[2], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m3 (Ip[2], Ip[3], ST1[3], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m4 (Ip[3], Ip[4], ST1[4], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m5 (Ip[4], Ip[5], ST1[5], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m6 (Ip[5], Ip[6], ST1[6], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m7 (Ip[6], Ip[7], ST1[7], shift_mag[0]);
- mux_2to1 m00 (1'b0 , ST1[0], ST2[0], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m11 (1'b0 , ST1[1], ST2[1], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m22 (ST1[0], ST1[2], ST2[2], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m33 (ST1[1], ST1[3], ST2[3], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m44 (ST1[2], ST1[4], ST2[4], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m55 (ST1[3], ST1[5], ST2[5], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m66 (ST1[4], ST1[6], ST2[6], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m77 (ST1[5], ST1[7], ST2[7], shift_mag[1]);
- mux_2to1 m000 (1'b0 , ST2[0], Op[0], shift_mag[2]);
- mux_2to1 m111 (1'b0 , ST2[1], Op[1], shift_mag[2]);
- mux_2to1 m222 (1'b0 , ST2[2], Op[2], shift_mag[2]);
- mux_2to1 m333 (1'b0 , ST2[3], Op[3], shift_mag[2]);
- mux_2to1 m444 (ST2[0], ST2[4], Op[4], shift_mag[2]);
- mux_2to1 m555 (ST2[1], ST2[5], Op[5], shift_mag[2]);
- mux_2to1 m666 (ST2[2], ST2[6], Op[6], shift_mag[2]);
- mux_2to1 m777 (ST2[3], ST2[7], Op[7], shift_mag[2]);
- endmodule
Figure 3. Verilog Code for Logical Left Shift Barrel Shifter -
Verilog Code of the Test Bench for 8-bit Logical Left Shift Barrel Shifter (barrelShifter_tb.v)
- `timescale 1ns / 1ps
- module barrelShifter_tb;
- // Inputs
- reg [7:0] Ip;
- reg [2:0] shift_mag;
- // Outputs
- wire [7:0] Op;
- // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
- barrelShifter uut (
- .Ip(Ip),
- .Op(Op),
- .shift_mag(shift_mag)
- );
- initial begin
- // Initialize Inputs
- Ip = 8'd0;
- shift_mag = 3'd0;
- // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
- #100;
- // Add stimulus here
- Ip = 8'd16;
- shift_mag = 3'd2;
- #20;
- Ip = 8'd4;
- shift_mag = 3'd2;
- end
- endmodule
Figure 4. Verilog Test-bench for Logical Left Shift Barrel Shifter -
Timing Diagram
Figure 5. Timing diagram of Logical Left Shift Barrel Shifter
Barrel Shifter
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